74 Chapter 3
scalars) by choosing G = {1, –1}. This also reveals the geometric meaning of
this group: it consists of the mirror reflection m and identity e. Like the trivial
group, the two-element group is commutative.
Perhaps the most fundamental class of finite groups are the permutation
groups. Recall that a permutation of an ordered list of n elements is way to
rearrange (“shuffle”) them, for example swapping two elements. We can rep-
resent a permutation as a bijective (i.e. invertible) function σ : n →n, where
n = {1, …n}. Alternatively, we can represent a permutation by a permutation
matrix P, which is a matrix with a single 1 in each row and column and all
other entries 0. When acting on a vector x ∈R
, this matrix will permute the
The set of all permutations of n elements form a group called the symmet-
ric group S
(not to be confused with the general term symmetry group). To
see that S
is indeed a group, note that 1) the identity id
: n →n is a per-
mutation, 2) the composite of two permutations is a permutation (closure),
and 3) a permutation has an inverse and this inverse is itself a permutation.
To specify a permutation σ, we need to choose σ(1) (n possibilities), σ(2)
(n – 1 possibilities), etc., up to σ(n) (only one choice left). Thus, the group S
has n ·(n – 1) ·(n – 2) ···2 ·1 = n! elements. We can equivalently define S
as a
concrete group of mappings σ, as a matrix group, or as an abstract group.
For the interested reader, we mentioned a few more finite groups, with-
out going into detail. The rotational symmetries of regular polygons such as
triangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons (and so on) are captured by the
cyclic groups C
, and their rotation and reflection symmetries by the dihe-
dral groups D
. Finite groups of symmetries in three dimensions include the
crystallographic point groups and the groups of symmetries of Platonic solids.
According to Cayley’s theorem
, any finite group with n elements can be
viewed as a subgroup of S
. Furthermore, in a mayor milestone in mathemat-
, the finite simple groups (from which all finite groups can be made) have
been classified; all such groups belong to one of several infinite families, or to
a relatively short list of sporadic groups. Infinite Discrete Groups Groups need not be finite. Consider for
instance the set of integers Z = {…, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, …}. With composition given
by addition and 0 as the identity, this set forms a group. Geometrically, we
can think of this group as a group of discrete translations in one dimension.
Similarly, we can think of Z
= Z ×Z as a group of discrete translations in two
dimensions. In chapter 7 we will consider these groups as the symmetries of
regular grids (e.g. a grid of image pixels).