xii Preface
while affine or projective transformations produce, respectively, the affine and
projective geometries.
The impact of the Erlangen Programme on geometry was very profound.
Furthermore, it spilled to other fields, especially physics, where symmetry
principles allowed to derive conservation laws from first principles of sym-
metry (an astonishing result known as Noether’s Theorem), and even enabled
the classification of elementary particles as irreducible representations of the
symmetry group.
At the time of writing, the state of the field of deep learning is somewhat
reminiscent of the field of geometry in the nineteenth century. There is a ver-
itable zoo of neural network architectures for various kinds of data, but few
unifying principles. As in times past, this makes it difficult to understand the
relations between various methods, inevitably resulting in the reinvention and
re-branding of the same concepts in different application domains. For a novice
entering the field, absorbing the sheer volume of redundant and unconnected
ideas is a major challenge.
In this book, we make a modest attempt to apply the Erlangen Programme
mindset to the domain of deep learning, with the ultimate goal of obtaining a
systematisation of this field and ‘connecting the dots’. We call this geometrisa-
tion attempt ‘Geometric Deep Learning’, and true to the spirit of Felix Klein,
propose to derive different inductive biases and network architectures imple-
menting them from first principles of symmetry and invariance. In particular,
we focus on a large class of neural networks designed for analysing unstruc-
tured sets, grids, graphs, and manifolds, and show that they can be understood
in a unified manner as methods that respect the structure and symmetries of
these domains.
We believe this book would appeal to a broad audience of deep learning
researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts. A novice may use it as an overview
and introduction to Geometric Deep Learning. A seasoned deep learning expert
may discover new ways of deriving familiar architectures from basic principles
and perhaps some surprising connections. Practitioners may get new insights
on how to solve problems in their respective fields. As a textbook, we believe
the book can be used in an advanced (graduate) machine learning course, or as
a foundational ML course for the mathematically-oriented audience.
With such a fast-paced field as modern machine learning, the risk of writ-
ing a book like this is that it becomes obsolete and irrelevant before it sees
the light of day. Having focused on foundations, our hope is that the key con-
cepts we discuss will transcend their specific realisations — or, as Helvétius
(1759) put it, “the knowledge of certain principles easily compensates the lack
of knowledge of certain facts” .